Do you know a Year 10 or 11 student who is considering a science or engineering career? Or a student who would like work experience in a science environment in an area like PR or HR?
If so, why not suggest they apply to do work experience with us here at Culham. We have places available for work experience in a range of departments depending on the student’s interests.
The work experience is being offered for a set week commencing either 10.07.2017 or 07.08.2017, with priority being given to students from local schools.
If you know a Year 10 or 11 student who would like to be considered for a 2017 placement with us then please send an up-to-date CV showing predicted qualifications / grades, hobbies and interests, along with a covering letter expressing interest in a placement, either by email to:
or by post to:
Pauline Lawrence
Communications & Work Experience Co-Ordinator
Communications Group
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Culham Science Centre
OX14 3DB
Applications close on Friday 27 January 2017. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview in the week beginning 3 April 2017.