Aurox is on a mission to bring the Clarity laser free confocal technology to an ever greater number of applications in microscopy. Wherever, applications are plagued by out-of-focus images Aurox can potentially bring confocal Clarity to give higher quality and 3-D imaging.
The latest step in our mission brings Clarity to the Macroscope. To achieve this, Aurox has worked with Leica to fit the Clarity and ClarityHS to the Leica Macroscope, whilst also adding device control of the Macroscope to the rapidly increasing range of other manufacturer devices supported within the Aurox Visionary software. The Visionary software makes experimental control and image acquisition faster and easier than ever.
Together, the Aurox Clarity, Visionary and Leica Macroscope can finally achieve higher quality 3-D imaging of typically large specimen samples free from out-of-focus blur.